Analisa Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Antara PT. Garuda Indonesia TBK., Dengan Kompetitor Full Service Carrier Di Asia Periode Tahun 2010-2012 Dengan Pendekatan Analisis Rasio Keuangan
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Nugroho, Pratomo Adi
HF5601 Accounting 
2023-07-24 03:57:25 
Abstract :
In the competitive world of airline industry increasingly stringent and complex PT . Garuda Indonesia Tbk . launched a five -year expansion program called Quantum Leap . This program aims to improve the ability of companies in the field of services , fleet , human resources and competence in the international aviation industry competition and the creation of sustainable profitable growth . Therefore this study aimed to analyze the financial performance PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk . during the years 2010-2012 compared to fellow Full Service Carrier airline in Asia after the implementation of the Quantum Leap program Financial ratios are used to analyze the financial performance of companies in this study is the Current Ratio , Quick Ratio , Cash Ratio , Debt Ratio , Debt To Equity Ratio , Long - Term Debt To Equity Ratio , Equity To Total Assets Ratio , Fixed Assets To Equity Ratio , Operating Profit Margin , Net Profit Margin , Operating Ratio , Return on Assets , Return on Equity , Total Assets Turnover , Fixed Assets Turnover , Average Collection Period , Inventory Turnover , Accounts Receivable Turnover . These ratios were then compared with the company's competitors using cross - section analysis Results of this study concluded that quantum leap expansion program launched by PT . Garuda Indonesia Tbk . In July of 2009 , positively impact the company's financial performance is evidenced by the trend and profit growth PT . Garuda Indonesia Tbk . during the study period of 2010 to 2012 which continues to increase Keywords : Financial Performance , Financial Ratio Analysis , Cross ? section Analysis 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School