Analisis Pengaruh Store Image Terhadap Repurchase Intention: Private Label Brand (Studi Penelitian Pada Pelanggan Carrefour Di Wilayah DKI Jakata)
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Puspitasari, Putri
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-09-25 03:32:00 
Abstract :
People at this globalization era prefer to choose ?one stop shopping? design. It causes an opportunity for retailer by creating private label brand. Private label brand is one of the most popular strategy used by retailer especially hypermarket. The main focus of this study is to analyze the direct effect of repurchase intention through four variables, which are store image, perceived risk, store brand quality and perceived value on Carrefour private label brand This research is categorized as a survey research descriptive analysis method by taking samples from a population and using questionnaire as its main tools. The sample in this research is some of Carrefour?s customers, especially customer of private label brand carrefour. The respondents are chosen by using nonprobability sampling and convenience sampling techniques The results of analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and its result would be summarized as below:1.Store image has no significant influence toward perceived risk. 2.Store image has significant influence toward store brand quality. 3.Store brand quality has significant influence toward perceived risk.. 4.Store brand quality has significant influence toward perceived value. 5.Perceived risk has no significant influence toward perceived value. 6.Perceived value has significant influence toward repurchase intention. Keyword : private label brand, store brand, repurchase intention, perceived risk, 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School