Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Yang Terdaftar Di BEI Berdasarkan Rasio Keuangan Dan Corporate Governance Mengacu Pada Konsep Risk-Based Bank Rating Tahun 2011-2013
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Maulana, Rizki
HF5601 Accounting 
2020-09-25 03:32:17 
Abstract :
This research aims to assess the soundness of the Bank listed on the Stock Exchange 2011-2013 by using method health assessment is RBBR (Risk-Based Bank Rating) in accordance with SE BI No. 13/24/DPNP 25 October 2011 described RGEC. Aspect of risk, Corporate Governance aspect, Earnings aspect, and Capital aspect. This research was included in the quantitative descriptive research by calculating the ratio the existing at aspect of risk (LDR and NPL), Corporate Governance, Earnings aspect (ROA and NIM), and Capital aspect (CAR). This research using data publication of the annual Report of banks listed on the Stock Exchange from 2011 to 2013 . The sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling on take the samples with specific consideration banks are listed on the Stock Exchange. It can be concluded that the the assessment of the health of banks in IDX good predicate . It can be seen from the ratio which the counted still in accordance with provisions that set by the bank indonesia. NPL ratio <5%, LDR ratio <92% , Corporate Governance Self Asssessment, ROA ratio >1,5%, NIM ratio >3%, and CAR ratio >8%. Keywords: The financial performance, NPL, LDR, Corporate Governance, ROA, NIM, CAR, Risk-Based Bank Rating, Listing on the stock exchange 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School