Analisis Pengembangan Bisnis Retail Furniture, Studi Kelayakan Bisnis LD. Furniture, dengan Metode Capital Budgeting
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Fauzan, Rachmat
HF5601 Accounting 
2020-11-02 08:57:20 
Abstract :
Planning is an essential part to develop a business, the planning of a business idea needs to be studied more in order to make a successful one. A business development plan needs to be tested by using business feasibility studies. The development of LD Furniture needs business feasibility studies, this test is aim to make a clear business plan so that the business will run as its plan and reduce the risk that may occur. As a business, LD Furniture needs to run business feasibility studies. The main purpose of this test is to understand whether LD Furniture is feasible or not feasible as a business. In conducting this test, the writer uses some aspects of feasibility studies such as, human resources, juridical, technic and technology, management and financial aspect. The financial aspect on this test use capital budgeting analysis with NPV, Payback period, IRR and profitability index as methodologies. The result of this test shows that the addition of the branch of LD Furniture on Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) and TB. Simatupang are feasible project and can be realized, this conclusion is resulted by these criteria: NPV at 15% rate Rp. 695,609,555; IRR 30%; PI 1, 524; and payback period 4 years 7 months. Keyword: investment, analysis, feasibility. 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School