Pengaruh Aktiva Produktif terhadap Rentabilitas Bank (Studi Empiris pada Bank BUMN Periode 2007-2009)
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Nurhandini, Nurhandini
HF5601 Accounting 
2020-11-02 08:57:35 
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to know the empirical effect of earning assets either partially or simultaneously to rentability rate bank. The earning assets that be chosen to know the effect are loans, securities, and investment; while the rentability rate that be chosen is Return on Assets (ROA). The samples for this research are Indonesia state owned banks that issued quarterly financial report for the year 2007 to 2009. There are 3 samples which are selected with purposive sampling method. Data of this research are secondary data, which consist of loans, notes and securities, and investment as independence variable; and Return on Assets (ROA) as dependence variable. The statistic methods that?s used is multiple regressions analysis with Eviews version 6 tool and the model has been tested in classic assumptions. Significance test indicated that fixed effect is the most appropriate method to analyse. The result of this research shows that loans, securities, and investment variables have a significant influence to rentability rate simultaneously in 95% confidence interval. Partially, investment variable has a negative and significant influence to Return on Asset, but another variables such as loans and securities that have a positive and not significant influence to Return on Asset. Keywords: Earning Assets, Rentability, State Owned Banks. 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School