Analisis Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Siklus Pendapatan Slot Iklan Pada PT. AMS
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Negoro, Seno Agung
HF5601 Accounting 
2020-11-02 08:57:45 
Abstract :
Media information has a strong issue to persuade audience in every movement of informations in every corner around the world, lately internet has changed the way of traditional method inorder spreading informations. World wide web as known as www is the keyword to entering the internet world, website is another gate to access the information inside the internet. However the access of information needs to gain a profit towards the quality of information that people needs. Let say every websites need a money to run their products and this money is ought to thru the system of economic principals, in every economic system it depends on the information system. In this case how the revenue cycle information system works at the website company. Further more to analyze this case, there is some method which is field research and libarary research. The field research are meant to directly pop inside the field of website company to gain some information of revenue cycle information system and the primary data?s that recuired for this analysist. The liberary research are meant to gain the information to compare between the theories and the current situation of this case interest. This company has succeed to plant the current revenue cycle information systems, which has a similarity with the theory and yet this similarity has a trade-off with the efficiency, thru this system in the level of acceptable issues. Keywords: revenue cycle information systems, accounting information system, slot ads, media information company. 
Institution Info

STIE Indonesia Banking School