Hubungan Good Corporate Governance Dengan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Publik Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Periode 2006-2008
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Mumpuningtyas, Maharani
HF5601 Accounting 
2020-10-05 02:27:54 
Abstract :
Good corporate governance is now become main global business topic that arose upon highly complexity and pressure of competition which firms must face. Good corporate governance can give added value for firms for their going concern in long range, so it would attract many investors and creditors to invest their fund. On the other hand, studies undertaken considering the overall corporate governance mostlyprovide evidence of significant relationship between corporate governance and firmperformance. This research studying the relation between good corporate governance and financial performance of public firm listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI). We use total asset turnover, return on asset, debt to equity ratio, and current ratio as an evaluation of firm financial performance. We also use corporate governance perception index which provided by The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance. According to recent research, we can conclude that there is highly correlation between good corporate governance and firm performance. We find that there is significant relationship between corporate governance and firm profitability and liquidity. Finnaly, we provide evidence that better corporate governance implementation is highly correlated with better financial performance. From this research, we hope every public firm will enhance their implementation of good corporate governance to make better firm performance Keywords: Good Corporate Governance, Firm Performance, Firm Profitability and Liquidity, Corporate Governance Perception Index, Correlation 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School