Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga, Financing To Deposit Ratio, Dan Effective Rate Pendapatan Terhadap Distribusi Bagi Hasil Nasabah (Suatu Studi Pada Bank Syariah Mandiri)
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Utami, Sri
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-10-07 03:59:43 
Abstract :
Nowadays, the number of sharia banks in Indonesia have increased. Sharia Banks emerged as an alternative for the community in conducting financial transactions. Sharia banks performance can be seen from its ability to distribute the profit sharing to its customers. The higher customers profit sharing means that sharia banks can provide benefits to its customers. The research aims to identify factors that influence the distribution of customers profit sharing in Bank Syariah Mandiri. The research method used in this study is multiple regression analysis. This analysis is used to determine the influence of independent variables to the dependent variable. The independent variables in this study are represented by third party funds, financing to deposit ratio, and the effective rate of income, while the dependent variable is reflected by the distribution of customers profit sharing. This research uses test of normality and multiple regression analysis. Hypothesis testing using t-test and F-test with a significance level of 5% Results from the study shows that third party funds, financing to deposit ratio, and the effective rate of income partially affect the distribution of customers profit sharing. The greater the third party funds collected, the greater the opportunity to distribute sharia banks financing. Therefore, the revenue of sharia banks will also increase. Sharia banks income improvement affect to the customers profit sharing enhancement. Keywords: Customers profit sharing, third party funds, financing to deposit ratio, effective rate of income 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School