Analisis Faktor-Faktor Komunikasi Interpersonal Untuk Memotivasi Pengguna Jejaring Sosial Terhadap E-WOM Pada Situs Twitter
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Rilzianisa, Rilzianisa
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-10-07 04:27:56 
Abstract :
This research aims to examine Word of Mouth of internet users who gets member of Blitzmegaplex and follow them on Twitter. for Twitter users in Jakarta. Word of Mouth is measured based on variables develops by Schutz, namely Inclusion, Affection, and Control of Interpersonal Communication factors. This research used a T-test for the hypothesis tools, with interval scale from 1-9. The results of this research upon 125 respondents, shows that indicates that all simultaneously and partially inclusion, affection, and control variable have significant effect to Word of Mouth. That is proven by the coefficient determination value of 0.668, it means between inclusion and control variable have a positive relationship to Word of Mouth, but for affection variable has a negative relationship to Word of Mouth. Besides that the coefficient determination value show, 66.8 %, therefore, Word of Mouth is affected by inclusion and control variable. The rest of 33.2 % is influenced by other vKeywords: Viral Marketing, Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM), Communication Interpersonal, Motivation, Twitterariable which are not examined by the researcher. 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School