Pengaruh Jenis Produk Pembiayaan, Jenis Sektor Ekonomi Pebiayaan Dan Kondisi Perekonoian Terhadap Non Performing Financing Perbankan Syariah Periode 2001-2007
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Rahman, Adi
HF5601 Accounting 
2021-03-19 12:25:44 
Abstract :
To attain toward the ideal condition, shariah banking's produtive assets must put great emphasize on linkage aspect settlement activity of sharia banking asset in real sector (productive financing at primary, secondary and tertiary economic sector), banking's role as intermediary institution. The object of this research are several centre office of sharia banking and the operational variable are (1) Classification of Product Financing (Equity and Debt Financing), (2)Classification of Economic Sector Financing (primary, secondary and tertiary industry) and (3) Condition of Economic which all those variables will be analyze its impact to the rate of Non performingfinancing (NPF). According to the research result, through statistical method and with 5 % significance rate or a=0.05, using statistical method (Mann-Whitney and Kruskall- Wallis) shows there 's no significance difference between the NPF of equity financing and debt financing on Financing Product Classification and there 's no significance difference between the NP F of primary, secondary and tertiary industry on Financing Economic Sector Classification. Based on the result of using statistical method (Spearman Rank-Correlation CoeffiCient) there's no impact of Financing Product Classification (Equity and Debt Financing) and Financing Economic Sector Classification (primary, secondary and tertiary industry) to Non Performing Financing a1 Shariah Banking. Using statistical method (Mann-Whitney) shows there's a significance difference between the NPF of financing product classification and financing economic sector classification on 2001-2005 with the NPF of financing product classification and financing economic sector classification on 2006-2007 or it could be conclude that there's an impact of external factor (condition of economic) to Non Performing Financing. Keywords : Financing Product Classification (Equity and Debt Financing), Financing Economic Sector Classification (primary, secondary and tertiary industry), Condition of Economic and NPF 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School