Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Program Pelatihan Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Account Officer PT Bank Syariah Mandiri Wilayah DKI Jakarta
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Vally, Baron Yudha
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2024-07-22 03:15:56 
Abstract :
The used of training program in every companies is very important. Many believes that training is able to make human resources within companies perform better. The increase in performance will affect the level of productivity of the employees. The objective of this research is to identify the effect of the used of training program to employees productivity, especially for account officers in PT Bank Syariah Mandiri. Respondents being used for this research are account officers of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri under South Jakarta region. Data is analyzed using Rank Order Spearman Correlation Analysis. The result of this research is represeted by Spearman 's rho (rs) = 0,865, which means there are strong co"elation between the training program and the productivity of Account Officer at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri in Jakarta region. Ther hypothetical test also shows that the hypothesis in this research is acceptable. The conclusion tells that the level of training program at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri is at a good level, as was told by the respondent. The productivity of their employees also in a good form, provided by the achievement of target for financing unit in each sample. Keywords : Training program, Productivity. 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School