Analisis Kinerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah, Bank Swasta Devisa, Dan Bank Swasta Non Devisa Tahun 2007 Dengan Model Dekomposisi ROE
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Simanungkalit, Nancy Dwi Sari
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-19 07:21:18 
Abstract :
The objectives of the research are to determine performance of Bank Pembangunan Daerah, Bank Swasta Devisa, and Bank Swasta Non Devisa in 2007; to find out all factors that effect this performance by using ROE decomposition model; and to discover if there is a significant difference of that three banks. This research used descriptive analysis and independent sample t-test. This research used balance sheet and income statement of that three banks to find all ratios in ROE decomposition model. The result of this research shows that there was significant differences in performance between Bank Pembangunan Daerah, Bank Swasta Devisa, and Bank Swasta Non Devisa. 
Institution Info

STIE Indonesia Banking School