Pengaruh Rasio Rentabilitas (ROE Dan BOPO) Terhadap Rasio Kecukupan Modal (CAR) Pada Industri Perbankan Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Periode 2004 - 2008
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Asmarani, Lisa
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-16 01:42:11 
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of rentability ratio (ROE and BOPO) to capital adequacy ratio (CAR). The sample was taken by using purposive sampling method. There are 11 banks as a sample with 5 research period (2004-2008) and those are listing in Bursa Efek Indonesia as long as the research period The secondary data is used and processed by pooling data because it is consist of cross section and time series data. The hypothesis is tested by multiple regretion with method using statistic analysis. The result of this research show that these is a negative correlation and significant effect of those independent variable (ROE and BOPO) to dependent variable (CAR). Goodness of fit is showed by adjusted R2 = 20,7%, which means that ROE and BOPO are able to explain CAR as much as 20,7% Keywords:Return On Equity (ROE), Operational Cost To Operational Income (BOPO), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School