Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Kredit Investasi Di Bank XYZ
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Agustin, Leony Estrelita
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-16 00:28:07 
Abstract :
Banking is unique business. They run their business by using people?s money. They raise funds from people through saving accounts, time deposits and other funding sources. They make direct loans to various entities and also invest in securities. Banks seek to earn a positive spread (spread income) between the assets in which it invest (loans and securities) and the cost of its funds (saving accounts, time deposits and the other resources). In generating spread income, bank face several risk, one of them is Credit Risk, which is risk that a borrower or issuer of a security will default on its obligation to the bank, so the bank could not refund the money their raised. Therefore, in granting loans to various entities, banks have to act prudently. Credit risk can be minimized by analyzing the feasibility of loan proposal this research aim are to identify factors that influences the decision of credit lending for Investment Credit at Bank XYZ. Every general bank before giving their credit must analyze their credit applicant, including 6C?s analysis and feasibility study. Keywords:Investment Credit,6C?s analysis and feasibility study. 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School