Pengaruh Size Terhadap Net Interest Margin Pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah Dan Bank Swasta Non-Devisa Periode 2001-2007
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Suhaeti, Ika
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-19 07:38:37 
Abstract :
Bank Pembangunan Daerah has a duty to develop the economic matters in its region. One of the function to support the duty is to be a cash holder of region money. In the fact, Bank Pembangunan Daerah was not mobilize that money for prosperity of the citizen, infact they put it into Sertifikat Bank Indonesia with a huge portion, it happened because of liquidity and regulatory factor. This research compares and analizes of that reflected on size to Net Interest Margin in Bank Pembangunan Daerah and Bank Swasta Non Devisa during the period 2001 until 2007. Results of statistic showed were Bank Pembangunan Daerah had higher net interest margin and size than Bank Swasta Non Devisa. Other result showed that there were lots of source of funds from Bank Pembangunan Daerah were saved in Sertifikat Bank Indonesia and the uses of funds were given for consumer loans, different with Bank Swasta Non Devisa which given for working capital purposes. It caused of Bank Pembangunan Daerah had significant effect from rising interest rate than Bank Swasta Non Devisa. Keywords : total asset, net interest margin, and interest rate 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School