Fee Based Income Sebagai Salah Satu Alat Penentu Arah Bank
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Nugroho, Anastasya Primantary
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-18 00:50:17 
Abstract :
The bank industry in Indonesia has a lot of serious problem. The problems come from the outside or inside the bank. To solve these problems, banks have to find another option of income. The bank can not only depend on interest income. Fee hosed income is the alternative income for the bank that can make bank survive and settle in the bank industry in Indonesia. Bank can have income from fee based income but how far contribution of the fee based income can increase the income of the bank? This is interesting to talk about fee based income at corporate banking and retail banlcing. This research use 2 (two) ratio for analyze the fee based income. Those ratios are fee based income ratio and fee income ratio. Based on the ratio, we can summarize that the bank which is focus in the retail banking can survive with fee based income from the customer. The banks that focus in the corporate banking sector try to find customer to do some diversification so the spread risk can be decrease. Fee income ratio and fee based income ratio have to be include in the annual report of bank. This is important because fee income ratio and fee based income ratio could be calculated the activities of bank. 
Institution Info

STIE Indonesia Banking School