Analisis Manfaat Rasio Keuangan Dalam Memprediksi Laba Pada Industri Property Di Indonesia Periode 2003 - 2007
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Handayanie, Adinda Tri
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-16 06:25:08 
Abstract :
This study examines the usefulness of financial ratio with du pont system (Decomposing ROE) to predict the earning. Decomposing ROE have 5 main ratios: taxes management ratio, debt management ratio, operational expenses management ratio, asset management ratio, and capital management ratio. Data in this study are property firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange on period 2003-2007. There are 6 firms which are used in this study based on purposive sampling. Multiple regression techniques are used as the analysis tool along with t hypothesis and F test in 5% of significance level (? = 0,05). From the hypothesis results indicates that in simultaneous, decomposing ROE have a significance influence to predict the earning. But in partial, not all of five ratios of decomposing ROE have a significance influence to predict the earning Keywords:Earning, du pont system (taxes management, debt management, operational expenses management, asset management, and capital management) 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School