Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to know the influence of financial performance to the stock price of manufacture enterprise which is registered in BEI. This study uses Net Profit Margin, Return On Investment, and Price Earning Ratio as ratio of financial performance to measure the influence to the stock price.
The research uses statistic descriptive test and classic assumption test as a method to measure the influence. The stock price is a variable dependent and NPM, ROI, PER is a variable independent.
The result in this research stated that in simultan test, there is a positive and significant influence of Net Profit Margin, Return On Investment, and Price Earning Ratio to the stock price of manufacture enterprise which is registered in BEI. But partially, only ROI and PER has the significant influence to the firm?s stock price eventhough there is a positive influence between NPM, ROI, and PER with the firm?s stock price.
Keyword : Net Profit Margin, Return On Investment, Price Earning Ratio, stock price