Pengaruh Penyaluran Kredit Bangun Karya Terhadap Peningkatan Volume Kredit Modal Kerja Dan Pendapatan Bunga Pada PT Bank DKI (Studi Kasus Bank DKI Cabang Matraman)
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Firell, Firell
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-16 03:49:50 
Abstract :
This study focuses on research of policy and with case study in Bank DKI branch of Matraman. It attempts to achieve three main purposes: (1) to observe the bangun karya credit increased volume of capital work credit in Bank DKI Matraman, (2) to observe the bangun karya credit influence to the interest revenue in Bank DKI Matraman, (3) to observe what kind of strategy that Bank DKI Matraman used to occure the problems in contrucion credit distribution This research used the primary data, that is the interview with the official of the DKI bank matraman branch, and the secondary data by using the annual report of the DKI bank matraman branch, DKI bank's website, and from the LPPI's library The result of this case study was, the bangun karya Loan increased the volume of working capital loan. nevertheless did not too influenced the bank's interest income, but the growth of the interest income of the working capital loan were grew bigger than the growth of the consumption loan's interest income Keywords : contruction credit, Bangun Karya credit, Bank DKI 
Institution Info

STIE Indonesia Banking School