Analisis Perubahan Kebijakan Kredit Sektor Badan Usaha (Studi Kasus Dua Nasabah Pada Bank ABC)
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Kerstiawati, Putri
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2024-07-16 08:08:04 
Abstract :
This study focuses on research of policy and with case study in Bank ABC. It attempts to achieve two main purposes : (1) to formulate best practices from Bank ABC post-restructuring, (2) to analyze the policies credit quality evaluation. The result o this study stated that bank ABC has found four policies changes that applied of committee credit, hich are credit commitee work current focus change in banl, credit market mapping change small, medium, entrerprise (SME), canalization process period change credit, recapitalization period change credit. Bank ABC determines evaluation towards the credit quality based on three pillars, that is debitor effort prospect, debitor performnce, and ability pays debitor. Bank ABC also do the evaluation for credit risk assessment of debitor in once a year, then the early warnings acceptable to the complex debitors Keywords: The changes of Policy analysis, Credit 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School