Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Suku Bunga SBI Terhadap Jumlah Pembiayaan Dan Jumlah Dana Pihak Ketiga Pada Perbankan Syariah Indonesia
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Firman, Firman
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-16 03:50:42 
Abstract :
The main purpose of this research is to know the effect of SBI rate to number of financing and deposits in islamic bank. The fact shows that bank's operation not only influence by itself but also external factor such as the fluctuation of SBI rate. The object of this research is whole islamic bank, there are islamic commercial banks and islamic banking unit. The data for assessing this research are monthly islamic banking statistics from January 2003 to December 2007, so total observation for this research are sixty observation. This research using simple regression linier. The result found that SBI rate have only effect in number of musyarakah financing. Mudharabah financing, murabahah financing, and deposits are not influenced by SBI rate. This research found that Indonesian people strongly obey the sharia law. So SBI rate have no effect for performance of islamic bank in Indonesia. This condition suitable with commandment of Allah SWT that usury prohibited in Islam. Keywords: SBI rate, financing, and deposits. 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School