Analisis Ekuitas Merek Deterjen Attack Pada Konsumen Di Jakarta Selatan
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Kusumawardhani, Elisabeth Arum
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2024-07-17 01:29:51 
Abstract :
This research aims to examine brand equity of Attack Detergent for consumer in South Jakarta. Brand equity is measured based on variables develops by Aaker, namely brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand loyalty. This research used a T-test for the hypothesis tools, with interval scale from 0-10. The results of this research up on 120 respondents, shows that (1) Attack detergent has a good brand awareness with 8.825 means score, (2)Attack detergent has a good brand association with 8.761 means score, (3) Attack detergent has a good perceived quality with 8.704 means score, (4) Attack detergent has a good brand loyalty with 8.383 means score and (5) Attack detergent has a good brand equity with 8.671 means score. Keywords: brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand equity, Attack Detergent 
Institution Info

STIE Indonesia Banking School