Analisis Brand Loyalty Terhadap Mahasiswa STIE Indonesia Banking School
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Sundara, Undang
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2024-07-19 07:45:49 
Abstract :
This research is conducted to find out the level of loyalty of the students of Indonesia Banking School (IBS) Jakarta in every level of brand loyalty dimension. This research is also conducted in order to find out whether there are differences in loyalty level between junior students (class of 2007 and 2008) and senior students (class of 2004, 2005 and 2006) or not. Based on this research, there are some results that can be concluded. In the switcher dimension, students of IBS are included in the high loyalty category with the scores of 3,67 (range 3,401 ? 4,200). In the habitual buyer dimension, the students are included in the low category with the score of 2,09 (range 1,801 ? 2,600). In the satisfied buyer dimension, the students are included in the medium category with the score of 3,21 (range 2,601 ? 3,400). In likes the brand dimension, the students have average score of 3,400 and included in the medium category (range 2,601 ? 3,400). In the committed buyer dimension, the students of IBS are included in the medium category with the average score of 3,09 (range 2,601 ? 3,400) The test of hypothesis shows that in both brand loyalty as a whole and it?s detailed analysis of every dimension, there is no significant difference in loyalty level in junior and senior students in IBS. This statement can be proved with the independent sample T-test output, that has a bigger score in the significant score rather than it?s alpha (0,05) Keywords: brand loyalty, switcher, habitual buyer, satisfied buyer, likes the brand, committed buyer 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School