Adanya Pengaruh Antara Brand Trust Dan Service Quality Terhadap Brand Loyalty Nasabah CIMB Niaga Di Jakarta
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Kusuma, Aditya Angga
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2024-07-17 01:24:02 
Abstract :
his research shows empirical study of the effect of trust in brand variable which includes brand characteristicand service quality variable that consists of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible to brand loyalty. Thebrand which is researched is CIMB Niaga and the respondents are taken from the costumers of CIMB Niaga in Jakarta City The result of this research indicates that both simultaneously and partially trust in brand and service quality variable have significant effect to brand loyalty. That is proven by the coefficient determination value of 0.591, it means between trust in brand and service quality variable have a positive relationship to brand loyalty. Besides thatthe coefficient determination value shows, 59.1 %, therefore, brand loyalty is affected by trust in brand and servicequality variable. The rest of 40. 9 % is influenced by other variables which are not examined by the researcher Partially, trust in brand variable has a positive correlation to brand loyalty, which is shown by the coefficient value of 0.390. After that service quality variable have a positive relationship to brand loyalty that is illustrated by the coefficient value of 0.420. In the effort to increase loyalty to the brand, CIMB Niaga must increase the service and maintain trust of customers to the bank. Keywords: Trust In Brand, Service Quality, Brand Loyalty 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School