Pengaruh Review Produk Skincare Oleh Beauty Vlogger Terhadap Purchase Intention Oleh Viewers Video Youtube Channel Suhay Salim
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Annaba, Yacindy
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2022-01-12 09:38:13 
Abstract :
YouTube has begun to shift the existence of television as the most popular medium for obtaining information, one of the most sought-after information is about beauty. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the skincare review video provided by Beauty vlogger on YouTube, whether it affects purchase intentions. This research is categorize as survey research with descriptive analysis method by taking sample and using questionare is a main data. The model was tested using a quota sample of 161 viewers of Suhay Salim?s Videos on Youtube and single cross sectional survey. The respondents are choosing by non probability and convenience sampling techniques. The results of analysis in ths research was tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The result of this research show only three of eight hypothesis failed to be rejected and have significan effect. Credibility has positive and significan influence toward purchase intention. 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School