Analisis Kualitas Sarjana Akuntansi STIE Indonesia Banking School Yang Dibekali Value Diri (Integrity, Knowledge, Dan Skill) Dalam Performance Di Dunia Kerja
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Taluli, Ola Pinata
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-07-22 02:42:05 
Abstract :
The era of globalization illustrates the progress of time which give rise to a claim for quality human resources ,highly competent and can be given responsibility. STIE Indonesia Banking School as an educational institution that prints graduates , required to equip their students to be able to compete after getting a college degree . This study examined the quality of the graduates of Accounting STIE Indonesia Banking School in the working world . The assessment is the aspect of integrity , skill , and knowledge managers that will be judged by their division . The result indicate where the three variables are stimulant effect on their performance at work Keyword : Integrity , Skill , Knowledge , Performance 
Institution Info

STIE Indonesia Banking School