Pengaruh Penggunaan Sule Dan Boyband Smash Sebagai Celebrity Endorser Terhadap Brand Image Kartu AS
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Wibowo, Anggoro Adhi
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-11-16 08:35:19 
Abstract :
In this globaliztion era, companies are required to be more creative and innovative in setting strategies up due to gain consumer awareness then influences the consumer purchase behaviour. Moreover, one of the strategies that can be done is by establishing celebrity endorsement. Celebrities are seen as keens individuals and have the primacy to attract consumers rather than other individuals. This type of promotion is a creative way to encourage the positive image that perceived towards the promoted product brands. Based on that background, this research focuses was aimed to determine how the influences of attributes celebrity endorsement who had controvesial background against brand image of product. It focuses on the influences of Sule and Smash as celebrity endorsers in establishing kartu AS brand image with primary objective to indicate (1) To find and analyze the influences of celebrity endorser attributes (credibility, attractiveness and power) that Sule had, to the brand image of kartu AS and (2) To find and analyze the influences of celebrity endorser attributes (credibility, attractiveness and power) that Smash had, to the brand image of kartu AS. Samples on this research are kartu AS customer which be found in Depok, who had watced kartu AS advertisement at least three times within period of last six months. The input data are being processed by multiple regression, with result indicated : (1) Although they have controversial background, Sule and Smash as celebrity endorsers have significant influence on kartu AS brand image. (2) The most significant attributes for Sule is attractiveness (Sule) and for Sule are credibility and power. Keywords : celebrity endorser, Sule, Smash, and brand image. 
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STIE Indonesia Banking School