Analisis Pemberian Kredit Modal Kerja (Studi Kasus Nasabah PT. BRI Persero Kanca Otista)
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STIE Indonesia Banking School
Sahara, Apriana Nur
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-11-16 08:35:33 
Abstract :
Banking is a unique business. They run their business by using people?s money. They raise funds from people through saving accounts, time deposits and other funding sources. They make direct loans to various entities and also invest in securities. Banks seek to earn a positive spread (spread income) between the assets in which it invests (loans and securities) and the cost of its funds ( saving account, time deposits and other sources). In generating spread income, banks face several risk, one of them is Credit Risk, which is risk that a borrower or issuer of a security will default on its obligation to the bank, so the bank could not refund the money they raised. Therefore, in granting loans to various entities, banks have to act prudently. Credit risk can be minimized by analyzing the feasibility of a loan proposal. This research aims to know whether PT. BRI should grant the loan proposed by PT. XYZ and what kind of facility is matching their needs. The research used two analytical ways, there were a Credit Risk Scooring System and a Memorandum Analisis Kredit (MAK ) / Credit Analysys Memorandum. Based on the first way The Analysis of Credit Risk Rating was carried out by PT. BRI, PT, XYZ had a white color classification and 1b credit rating that mean the credit risk was risk of average. And based on the second way Memorandum Analisis Kredit (MAK), PT. XYZ was eligible to receive the working capital loan with total credit required by Rp 1,207,719,000,- credit application could be approved Rp 1,200,000,000,- for a period of one year. Keywords: Credit Analysis, Credit Rating, PT. BRI. 
Institution Info

STIE Indonesia Banking School