Abstract :
Dissertation research goals are to examine and to analyze the level of banking
efficiency in Indonesia using SFA, to examine the interplay between risk and bank efficiency
in Indonesia, to examine the effect of the control variables and specific macroeconomic banks
to the level of risk and banking efficiency in Indonesia, to test whether banks size can
moderate the relationship of risk and bank efficiency in Indonesia, and to determine whether
there are differences in the level of risk and banking efficiency among banks by assets and
among groups of banks based on the bank books.
The sample are 107 conventional banks in Indonesia and the number of observation in
1177 during the period 2001 to 2011. Efficiency measurement uses stochastic frontier
approach bank and bank risk measurement uses the ratio of non-performing loans. The
dependent variable used in the first study equation is non-performing loans and in the second
equation is the bank score efficiency. Control variables are capital adequacy, asset growth,
the percentage of foreign ownership, the percentage of government ownership, the
percentage of public ownership, GDP growth and the bank loan growth. Moderating
variables are interaction bank asset growth and risk in the second equation . Each of these
equation is added dummy variables based on bank asset size (large banks, medium and
small) and a dummy variable based on the book (book 1, book 2 and book 3 & 4).
The result shows that the average level of banking efficiency during the study period is
69.98%. Overall the average level of conventional banks efficiency per year increase from
61.26% in 2001 to 78.76% in 2011. The group of large banks show an increasing in the
average annual efficiency during the observation period, but at small and medium-sized
banks the level of efficiency decrease , Book bank group 1 show the decreasing average
efficiency per year compared with a group of banks book 2, book 3 and 4.
This study provides empirical evidence that the bank risk and efficiency do not mutually
influence both directions. Efficient banks do not affect the risk, but the risk of banks affect
bank efficiency. Banks risk are positively significant influenced by the bank risk last year and
negatively significant influenced by GDP growth. Banks efficiency level are positively
significant influenced mainly by the growth of GDP and the level of efficiency last year and
negatively significant influenced by the bank risk. The results also prove that the growth of
the bank size are unable to moderate the negative relationship bank risk and bank efficiency.
The level of bank risk do not differ among groups of banks by assets and among groups of
banks based on the book, however, the level of bank efficiency differ significantly among
banks by assets and among groups of banks based on the book.
Empirical results of this study have implications for practitioners banks, institutions
banking authorities or the FSA and the development of the theory of risk associated with
relationship banks and banking efficiency as well as consideration of other factors that
influence risk and efficiency as the results of this study.
Keywords: Bank risk, bank efficiency, stochastic frontier approach, the adequacy of bank
capital, bank size