IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro
LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
2020-02-28 03:05:06
Abstract :
Ningrum, Rini Setiya. 2019. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Video to the Seventh
Graders of MTS Assalam Bangilan Tuban. Thesis, English
Department, Faculty of Language and Art Education of IKIP PGRI
Bojonegoro. Advisor: (1) Chyntia Heru Woro P.,M.Pd (2) Fitri
Nurdianingsih, S,Pd.,M.Pd.
Key words : Teaching Vocabulary and Video
According to Richards (2002:255), vocabulary is the core component
of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners
speak, listen, read, and write. Pursuant to statement of the problem above, target
of which will reach in this research, that is: To describe how video be used in
teaching vocabulary at the seventh graders of MTS Assalam Bangilan Tuban; To
find out the problem faced by the teachers and the students in using video in
teaching and learning vocabulary at the seventh graders of MTS Assalam
Bangilan Tuban; To find out the vocabulary achievement got by students through
video as a medium of learning at the seventh graders of MTS Assalam Bangilan
The research about teaching vocabulary to the seventh graders of MTS
Assalam Bangilan Tuban by using video, come from the problems: How can
video be used in teaching vocabulary at the seventh graders of MTS Assalam
Bangilan Tuban?; What are the problem faced by the teachers and the students in
using video in teaching and learning vocabulary at the seventh graders of MTS
Assalam Bangilan Tuban?; How is the vocabulary achievement got by students
through video as a medium of learning at the seventh graders of MTS Assalam
Bangilan Tuban?
The study describes the students? ability in vocabulary among the
seventh graders of MTS Assalam Bangilan Tuban. The writer uses descriptive
method analysis, it is a way by doing classification of data that resulted to
describe the problems which happened in population, and then be analyzed with
theories have relation with the problems, later it is taken as conclusion.
Finally the writer can make conclusion as follows: Video media is
one of material used in English teaching-learning at MTS Assalam Bangilan
Tuban. Kind of video media used in English teaching activities at MTS Assalam
Bangilan Tuban are such as: story and dialogue. In getting video media the
teacher get from internet, tv, vcd etc. Before using video media in their English
teaching learning activity, the teacher prepare everything which has relation with
video media, start from: laptop, lcd projector, tv, sound system etc. While, the
problems are faced by students in using video media such as: they are sometime
difficult to understand material of video media, so difficult to seen by the students
particular they sit on the last row. To overcome the problems are faced by the
teacher, the teacher makes video media himself if the teacher has free time; The
grade of students after used video media in their learning-teaching activities
increase, however not all of the grade students increase but there are fixed or