Abstract :
Wulandari, Diah Asri. 2019. The Implementation Of Problem Based Learning Models In Teaching English Material. Skripsi, Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Pendidikan Seni IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. Pembimbing: (1) M. Ali Ghufron, M.Pd (2) Yuniarta Ita Purnama, M.Pd.
Keywords: model of learning, problem based learning
The purpose of this reasearch is to obtain an understanding and a clear picture of the implementation of problem-based learning on the subjects of English, include: concept, advantages and disadvantages, syntax, examples of implementation and design of problem-based learning.
Problem Based Learning is an instructional model that involves students to learn actively solve a problem through the stages of the scientific method. Excess problem-based learning for students, such as: are encouraged to have the ability to solve problems, build his own knowledge, focusing on the problem, the scientific activity, accustomed to using varied sources of knowledge, the ability of scientific communication, and peer teaching to overcome the learning difficulties students independently. While the lack of problem-based learning, such as: more suitable for learning related to solving problems, difficulty in the division of tasks in a class with a diversity of students is high, less suitable for primary school students, requires substantial time, require the ability of teachers to encourage the students' work, and learning resources sometimes unavailable to complete. Learning steps (syntax) model of problem-based learning in the curriculum in 2013 consists of five phases, namely: to observe, to question, reason, associate and communicate.