Abstract :
Kartika, Linda Ayu, 2019. An Analysis of the Students? Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at the Seventh Grade of MTs Sunan Ampel Parengan Tuban. Skripsi. English Departement the First Advisor: Meiga Ratih Tirtanawati, S.Pd., M.Pd., and the Second Advisor: Moh. Fuadul Matin, S.S, M.Pd.
Keywords: writing ability, descriptive text
The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of students to write descriptive texts in seventh-grade students of MTs Sunan Ampel Parengan Tuban.
The study was conducted at MTs Sunan Ampel Parengan Tuban in April in the academic year 2018/2019. The object for this study was seventh-grade students at MTs Sunan Ampel Parengan Tuban. This study uses a qualitative research design. The instruments for collecting author's data are interviews, observation, and documentation.
The results showed that the students' writing ability in the descriptive text in seventh-grade MTs Sunan Ampel Parengan Tuban was considered sufficient, based on the analysis of all indicators in this study, related to generic structure, descriptive text characteristics, and writing elements.
There are several difficulties faced by students in writing descriptive texts. These difficulties are related to vocabulary. That is evidenced by the data of students in the interview. Less vocabulary makes students confused in arranging paragraphs or sentences. The second difficulty is the use of tenses in writing a descriptive text. That is evidenced by student data in the task of writing descriptive texts and interview data. the third difficulty is spelling, grammar, punctuation. In writing descriptive text assignments it was found that students made many mistakes in using spelling, grammar, punctuation.