Abstract :
Rosalina, Irma, 2019. The Effect Of Information Gap Technique Toward Student?s Ability At The Eigth Grade Of MTs Wasilatul Huda Ngasem. Skripsi. English Departement The First Advisor: Dr. M. Ali Ghufron, M.Pd., and The second advisor: Yuniarta Ita Purnama, M.Pd.
Keywords:Speaking ability,information gap..
The aim of this study was to investigate The the effect of information gap technique in improving speaking in the eigth grade students of MTs Wasilatul Huda Ngasem. The study was conducted at MTs Wasilatul Huda in Mei in the academic year 2018/2019. The object for this study was the eigth-grade students at MTs Wasilatul Huda Ngasem. There were 64 students, 32 as experimental claas and 32 as control class. This study uses an experimental research design.The instruments for collecting data using a test. The results showed that the information gap technique more effecive than conventional technique in the eigth grade MTs Wasilatul Huda, based on the analysis of normality, homogenity and t-test. The analysis was made by using test hypotesis by SPSS version 16.0 for windows The result indicated that (1) there was a difference in score the student?s by using information gap and conventional. The result of the experimental class is 80.62 and the control class is 61.81.(2) there is a significant difference of the students who taught by using information gap technique and conventional technique, t-test = 13.657, t-table = 1,670, t-test was higher than t-table. The significance = 0,755 < 0,05 can be saided that H0 can be accepted. .(3) There is the aspect of information gap technique give effectiveness to speaking ability After using information gap technique infornation gap involve all of the aspect of a successful speaking activity.So, information gap is more effective than conventional technique toward student?s speaking ability in the eigth grade of MTs Wasilatul Huda.