Abstract :
Aliyatur Rofi?ah English Education Department, IKIP
PGRI Bojonegoro Faculty of Language and Art
Education, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, e-mail:
The aim of this research is to explore the implementation of
Content-Based Instruction in teaching activities and to knowing about
the sutdent?s responds in primary school student?s. The subject of this
reserach was fifth grade of MI ICP Nurul Ulum Bojonegoro. The
research was The data collection technique the researcher will be
used in this study is note-taking technique In note-taking technique
the researcher will use recording instruments, video camera, to record
the respond of the students in classroom. This research used a
qualitative research method, in order to be able to observe and get
information on how the students react and interact in any situation.
The data were taken through documentation, observation, and
The Result of this study indicated that (1) the implementation
of Content-Based Instruction in the fifth grade was well implemented,
they used English language as instructional language. The students
are also able to use English in replying the teachers. Above of all,
the teachers believe that students? interest and motivation plays an
important role to their learning success. (2) Content Based Instruction
give a significance effect to the students? speaking ability: students
could answer the teacher?s questions there were many chances for
students to practice their speaking skill; students had great
motivation, learning process became easy and fun for the students. It
can be concluded that the teaching using content based instruction as
an approach has attracted the students? interest so that they have an
experience in acquired second language in more natural context.
Key words: Content-Based Instruction, primary school