Abstract :
Sukmawati, Fitriya. 2019. An Analysis of Students Difficulties in Translating
Descriptive Text from English to Indonesian, skripsi, English
Education Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts Education,
IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. Advisor I Ima Isnaini Taufiqur Rohmah,
S.Pd. M.Pd., Advisor II Oktha Ika Rahmawati, S.Pd. M.Pd.
Keywords: Difficulty, Translating, Descriptive text
This research aimed to analyse the students? difficulties in
translating descriptive text from English to Indonesian. The subject of this
research was 7th grade students of SMP N 5 CEPU 2019/2020 academic
year which consisted of 36 students. The objective of this research was to
find out the factor that makes students difficult in translating descriptive
text at 7th Grade students of SMP N 5 CEPU. This research was
conducted f r o m t h e transcript of score on English lesson. The data
were gathered through qualitative data. Based on the test of translation, the
students score was still low, the mean score of the students was 5.95. From
the questionnaire, this research showed the students difficulties in
translating descriptive text were the difficulties in linguistics factors more
prominent than non linguistics factors. This was proven by the highest
percentage of students difficulties was 75% in linguistic factor. And
66.67% the highest percentage of students difficulties in non linguistics
factor. From this research, the researcher suggests that the teacher should
give more exercises or practices in translation activity. Especially in
linguistics factor, the teacher should give more information and
understanding about linguistic knowledge in translation, so that the
students can overcome the difficulties that the students face and make a
good translation without difficulties.