Abstract :
Sari, Ari Permita. 2019. ?The Effectiveness of ?Brave? Animation Film in Writing
Descriptive Text?Skripsi, English Education Department, Faculty of
Language and Art Education, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. Advisor I: Ayu
Fitrianingsih, M.Pd. Advisor II : Ernia Duwi Saputri S.Pd., M.H.
Keywords: Brave Animation Film, Writing, Descriptive Text.
Writing is an activity of thinking process which is expressed into letters, words, or
symbols in a communicative written language. The objectives of the study are (1)
to find out how effective isthe use of Brave Animation Film in teaching writing
skill of descriptive text to the seventh grade students of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1
Randublatung in academic year 2018/2019(2) to find out whether there
issignificant differences on students? writing skill of descriptive text who were
taught using Brave Animation Film and pictures at MTs Muhammadiyah 1
Randublatung in academic year 2018/2019. The subjects of this research were the
students of VII A and VII B at MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Randublatung in Academic
Year 2018/2019. This study was a quasi experimental. The data was analyzed by
using T-testto find out the differences between pre-test and post-test. Results of
this study shows that (1) the skill in writing descriptive text of the seventh grade
students who were taught using Brave Animation Film is good. It is shown by the
mean of post test is 81,6 where the highest score is 90 and the lowest score is 75.
(2) the skill in writing descriptive text of the seventh grade students who were
taught using picture is lowest than the students who were taught using Brave
animation film. It is shown by the mean of post test is 77,1 where the highest score
is 85 and the lowest score is 69. While the mean of pre-test is 63,8. (3) there is a
significant difference of the skill in writing descriptive text of the students who
were taught by using Brave Animation Film and those who were taught by using
picture. It can be seen in the t-test score that is higher than 0,89 >-2,000, so the
hypothesis (H0) is rejected. It means that the students who were taught using
Brave Animation Film have a better achievement than the students who were
taught using picture. It is suggested that the teacher use an interesting method in
writing class, he can develop his students? writing skill using Brave Animation
Film because it involves both the picture and motion; also the attitude of the
characters can help the students write descriptive text easily.