Abstract :
Firda, Riyani Nurur Al. 2019. An Analysis of Students? Errors in Writing Recount
Text (A Case Study at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 2
Sumberrejo), Skripsi, English Education Department, Faculty of
Languages and Arts Education, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. Advisor I
Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi, M.Pd., Advisor II Fitri
Nurdianingsih, M.Pd.
Keywords : Errors analysis, students? errors, writing, recount text.
The objectives of the study were to know the most common errors made
by the second grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Sumberrejo in recount text writing,
and to know the sources of errors. The method which used in this research was a
case study included as qualitative research. The instrument of collecting data used
by the researcher was writing test. The subject of study was students? personal
writing recount texts about their life experience. The students? recount texts were
analyzed by referring to Azar classification and Brown theory on sources of
errors. The result showed that the total number of error is 420 errors. The
threemost common errors were ?verb tense? which was shown through 87 errors
or 20.71%, followed by ?spelling? which appeared in 77 times or 18.33% and
then ?capitalization? with the number of error is 71 or 16.7%. Regarding the
sources of errors, the major sources of errors was ?interlingual transfer? with the
number is 174 or 41.43% source of error, ?intralingual transfer? with the source of
error is 119 or 28.33%, and ?context of learning? with the source of error is 112 or
26.67%. Furthermore, the results suggested that the errors were suspected because
they were still internalizing the difference tenses, verb changing, and their logical
thinking. It means that the most common errors made by the students derived
from intralingual transfer.