Abstract :
Piping, Mohamad, 2023. "Analysis of Literary Psychology and the Inner Conflict of John Musiciante in the Novel "Brianna Dan Bottomwise" by Andrea Hirata and Its Relationship with Indonesian Language Learning in High School". Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Language Education and Art, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Advisor (I) Sutrimah, S.Pd., M.Pd. (II) Fitri Nurdianingsih, M.Pd.
Keywords: ? Novel, Literary Psychology, Inner Conflict, Indonesian Language Learning.
Abstract. ¬The research was conducted with the aim of describing and explaining the intrinsic elements and describing the psychology of literature on the character John Musician, describing and explaining the inner conflict of the main character John Musician, and describing and explaining the relationship between the novel and Indonesian language learning in high school.
This research is a qualitative descriptive research that describes the data in depth, clearly and systematically. The analysis technique in this study uses a content analysis model. The object of this research is a literary work in the form of a novel. The novel "Brianna Dan Bottomwise" by Andrea Hirata was chosen as the data source in this study. The collection technique was carried out by reading the novel over and over again, noting indicators according to the research topic and literature study. The data analysis technique used content and interactive analysis which was carried out by summarizing, selecting and focusing on problems and needs, presenting data with tables, and concluded.
Based on the analysis of the data found in this study, there are one, the intrinsic elements in the novel "Brianna Dan Bottomwise" by Andrea Hirata which include themes, plots, settings, characters/characters and points of view, two, literary psychology analysis of literary works. which concerns a person's psychology which includes physiological needs, a sense of security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization. Human behavior is determined more by individual tendencies to achieve goals so that individual lives are happier as well as satisfying. John Musiciante's inner conflict in the novel "Brianna Dan Bottomwise" by Andrea Hirata, inner conflict is an internal problem in humans, a form of psychological problem or inner turmoil that occurs in a person in the form of depression, guilt, indecision, sadness, rejection, regret and jealousy . three, the novel "Brianna Dan Bottomwise" by Andrea Hirata can be used as teaching material for learning Indonesian in class XII high school. So the novel "Brianna Dan Bottomwise" by Andrea Hirata contains inner conflict that can be used as character education and can be used as teaching material for learning Indonesian which has fulfilled 3 criteria for selecting a novel, namely language, student psychology, and student cultural background.