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IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro
L Education (General) 
2023-11-14 04:39:15 
Abstract :
Lestarianto, 2023. Analysis of Affixation in the Novel Sesuk by Tere Liye. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Pembimbing (I) Cahyo Hasanudin, S.Pd., M.Pd., (II) Nur Rohman, M.Pd. Keywords: Novel, Morphology, Affixation. This study is entitled Analysis of Affixation in the Novel Sesuk by Tere Liye. This research aims to describe and explain the affixation found in the novel Sesuk by Tere Liye. This research is a qualitative descriptive research that describes the data in depth, clearly and systematically. The analysis technique in this study uses a content analysis model. The object of this research is a literary work in the form of a novel. The Novel Sesuk by Tere Liye was chosen as the data source in this study. Data collection techniques are carried out by reading novels repeatedly, noting indicators that are appropriate to the research topic and literature study. Data collection techniques using the theory put forward by Ramlan (2012: 60) says that affixation (the process of affixing affixes) is the affixing of affixes to a unit, whether the unit is in the form of a single unit or form analysis, the function of complex forms to form words. The results of the research show that content and interactive analysis is carried out by summarizing, selecting, and focusing on problems and needs, presenting data in tables and concluding. Based on the analysis of the data found in this study, it can be concluded that there are four affixes, namely prefix forms: affixes attached to the beginning of the base word, infixes: affixes attached to the base word, suffixes (suffixes): affixes attached to end of the root word, and confix (divided affix): affixes attached to the beginning and end of the base word. 
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IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro