Abstract :
Faizin, B. 2023. Improving Students? Writing Skill Of Recount Text Through Writing Diary In 8TH-Grade At MTs Tarbiyatul Islam Soko. Thesis English Education Department. Faculty Of Languages And Arts Education IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Advisor (I) Oktha Ika R, S.Pd., M.Pd., (II) Dr. Puput Suriyah, M.Pd.
Keywords: Diary Writing, Recount Text, Writing Skill.
This study investigated improving students' writing recount text skills through writing diaries in grade 8 MTs Tarbiyatul Islam Soko. This study aims to implement diary writing as a medium to improve the skills of writing recount texts for class VIII-C students of MTs Tarbiyatul Islam Soko in the 2022/2023 academic year. This research is a classroom action research that lasts for 3 months. There are 32 students in class VIII-C consisting of 17 boys and 15 girls. This study used 2 cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. Researchers used written tests, observations, interviews, and field observations for the instruments. To see students' ability to write recount texts, the researcher used a pre-test and post-test. The results showed that there was an increase in students' writing skills. This study uses two cycles, each consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection. This study shows that there is an increase in writing skills in the recount text of class VIII-C MTs Tarbiyatul Islam Soko.