Abstract :
Baidhurohman, M. 2023. Analysis of the style of song lyrics in the album Riuh by Feby Putri Nilam Cahyani and its relationship to Indonesian language learning in high school. Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program. Faculty of Language and Arts Education IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. Advisor (I) Drs. Syahrul Udin, M.Pd., (II) Muhamad Sholehuddin, M.Pd.
Keywords: style of language, song lyrics, learning Indonesian in high school.
The research entitled Analysis of the Language Style of the Song Lyrics in the Riuh Album by Feby Putri Nilam Cahyani and its Relationship with Indonesian Language Learning in High School was conducted with the aim of describing the style of language contained in the song lyrics in the Riuh album by Feby Putri Nilam Cahyani and its relationship with Indonesian language learning in high school.
This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research. Where this research seeks to describe data in a systematic, detailed, and in-depth manner and the results of data analysis obtained by researchers are in the form of sentences that form paragraphs. The presence of researchers is very important, because researchers act as research instruments as well as data collectors. The research object in this study, namely the song lyrics in the Riuh album, was chosen as the data source in this research. The data collection technique in this study is document analysis. Checking the validity of the data in this study used a triangulation technique. Researchers can check their findings by utilizing existing sources, methods, and theories.
Based on data analysis, it was found that there is a style of language in the song lyrics in the album Riuh Karya Feby Putri Nilam Cahyani. The stylistic aspect of the song lyrics in the Riuh album by Feby Putri Nilam Cahyani is 35 figurative language styles. The language style or figure of speech includes a figure of speech of contradiction consisting of 6 data, namely 2 data for antithesis, 1 data for oxymoron, and 3 data for interminal contradiction. a comparative figure of speech consisting of 15 data, namely 1 data of metaphor, 2 data of simile, 5 data of hyperbole, 3 data of personification, and 4 data of allegory. as well as an affirmation figure of speech consisting of 12 data, namely 7 data repetition, 2 data inverse, 1 data rhetoric, klimaks as much 1 data, 1 data asindeton, and 1 data polysyndeton. The satirical figure of speech which consists of 1 data, namely irony as much as 1 data. The relationship between this research and learning Indonesian in high school is found in the SK (Competency Standards) of class X semester II regarding student creativity in analyzing language styles.