Abstract :
Kamila, Silfia Nur. 2023. Analisis Bentuk Kalimat pada Novel Si Putih Karya Tere Liye. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Pembimbing (I) Dr. Cahyo Hasanudin, M.Pd., (II) Nur Rohman, M.Pd.
Keywords: sentence form, novel
Sentence is one part of the language which is composed of a series of words. A sentence must have at least one subject and one predicate. Sentences can support ideas or ideas in a reading or text. One of them is in the novel Si Putih by Tere Liye. The novel Si Putih by Tere Liye was chosen because it has many sentence forms and is written in an interesting language.
This research was conducted with the aim of finding the forms of simplex sentences, complex sentences, compound sentences, and complex compound sentences in the novel Si Putih by Tere Liye. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The research data is in the form of sentences with direct data sources obtained from the novel Si Putih by Tere Liye. The focus of this research is to examine the simplex, complex, compound, and compound sentence forms in the novel Si Putih by Tere Liye. The procedure of this research uses the technique of free-involved listening and note-taking techniques. Data analysis techniques go through three stages, namely, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. Data validation was used with theory and source triangulation techniques.
Based on the results of the data analysis, the following conclusions are obtained. Simplex sentences in the novel Si Putih by Tere Liye found 1.331 data, the dominant used were simplex sentences with the S-P pattern. Complex sentences found as many as 153 data. Compound sentences found as many as 48 data. And complex compound sentences found as many as 14 data.