Abstract :
Anggraini, Clarisa, 2023. ?Penerapan Metode Role playing (Bermain Peran) Umtuk Meningkatkan Keterampiln Menulis Teks Negosiasi?. Skripsi. Progra Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Pendidikan dan Seni, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. (I) Abdul Ghoni Asror, M.Pd. (II) Novi Mayasari, M.Pd.
Keywords ? Writing Skills, Negotiation Text, Role playing method.
This study aims to improve the skills of writing negotiating texts using the role playing method in class X TKJ SMK Al-Fattah Kalitidu in the 2022/2023 academic year. This research is motivated by the low skills in writing negotiating texts. The method used in this research is descriptive and the form of research is classroom action research (CAR). Sources of research data are teachers, students, and documents. The data in this study are modules, observation results, and learning outcomes in writing negotiating texts. The techniques used in this study are measurement techniques, observation, and documentary studies.
The results obtained from this study have increased in terms of process and learning outcomes. Based on the assessment criteria in writing negotiating texts, there has been an increase starting from the aspects of content, structure, vocabulary, and sentences. The average score of student learning outcomes before doing PTK with an average of 66. Then, students' writing results in cycle I using the role playing method increased by an average of 76. Furthermore, the value in cycle II increased again with an average of 86. Based on these data there was an increase after using the role playing method.