Abstract :
Aulia Rahmah, Alfida, 2023. Teacher Strategies in Utilizing the Internet to Strengthen Digital Literacy at SMKN 1 Bojonegoro. Skripsi, Civic Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Supervisor (I) Neneng Rika Jazilatul Kholidah, S.Pd., M.H., (II) Ali Noeruddin, S.Si, M.Pd
Keywords : Teacher Strategy, Internet, Digital Literacy
This research is motivated by the low literacy rate of Indonesian people. The level of digital literacy applied in learning is still relatively moderate, thus encouraging teachers to use the internet to improve the digital literacy of their students at school. Education is a means to make a great contribution to the progress of a nation and shape its character. This study aims to determine how to use the internet to strengthen digital literacy at SMKN 1 Bojonegoro.The population in this study was class XI BDP 2 SMKN 1 Bojonegoro students with a total of 100 students, based on sampling techniques, in this study 7 students were taken using purposive sampling. Data collection using observation methods, interviews, documentation. This research method is qualitative using a descriptive qualitative approach. To obtain valid data, researchers use triangulation techniques, techniques, and sources. This research uses data analysis techniques, this model starts from collecting raw data, displaying data, reducing data, and getting to data verification and conclusion.The results of research on the use of the internet to strengthen digital literacy at SMKN 1 Bojonegoro, SMKN 1 Bojonegoro have long applied digital literacy in learning using the Digilib (Digital Library) web. The teacher's strategy in the study is (1) use digital media applications such as Instagram to get used to digital literacy. (2) PPKn teachers provide an understanding of the importance of digital literacy in learning and give assignments to find references or material on the internet. (3) The importance of introducing digital media technology to students and providing an understanding of the importance of digital literacy in PPKn education, obstacles to implementing this strategy are student laziness and lack of student interest in accessing the digilib web