Abstract :
Ardiyanti, O. D., 2023. Improving Writing Skills for Official Letters Through Booklet Media Class VII Students of Mts Plus Nabawi Kedungadem Academic Year 2022/2023 Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Advisor (1) Sutrimah, S.Pd. , M.Pd. (2) Fitri Nurdianingsih, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Keywords: Writing Skills, Official Letters, Media Booklets.
The research entitled Improving Official Letter Writing Skills Through the Media Booklet for Class VII Students of Mts Plus Nabawi Kedungadem Academic Year 2022/2023 was conducted on class VII students of MTs Plus Nabawi Kedungadem. This research is motivated by the low student learning outcomes in writing official letters. Students have difficulty developing ideas and ideas in writing, because in writing official letters there are structures and frameworks. This can be seen based on the average value of writing official letters, namely 69.24. This average is still below the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) set at 75. Therefore, media is needed to improve student learning outcomes, namely the use of booklet media. The research objective was to determine the use of booklet media in improving student learning outcomes in each cycle of class VII C MTs Plus Nabawi Kedungadem Academic Year 2022/2023.
The research method is classroom action research (CAR). This research was conducted in three cycles namely planning, observation, and reflection. The subject of this research was carried out in class VII C students, totaling 25 students. The collection of data used in this research is qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data is in the form of observation sheets. Meanwhile, quantitative data is in the form of data from the results of improving official letter writing skills obtained from test results using booklet media.
The results obtained from this study were (1) the process of improving official letter writing skills through booklet media for class VII C students of MTs Nabawi Kedungadem after implementing learning to write official letters through booklet media experienced very good changes. (2) the results of increasing the skills of writing official letters for class VII C students of MTs Nabawi Kedungadem after implementing learning to write official letters through booklet media experienced a very good increase. This increase can be seen from the results of the average value in the pre-cycle which is 69.24 which is included in the poor category, in cycle I it increases to 80.48 which is categorized as good, and in category II the average value is 92.54 which is categorized as very good compared to pre-cycle and cycle I.