Abstract :
Pangestuti, Dwi Rizqi. 2023. Analysis of the learning styles of junior high school
students in the face of computer-based national assessment in grade
VIII students of Kedungbondo Balen Islamic Junior High School
Bojonegoro". Thesis, Economic Education Study Program, Faculty of
Social Sciences Education, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. Supervisor (I) Dr.
Fruri Stevani M.Pd., (II) Boedy Irhadtanto, M.Pd.
Keywords: learning, learning style, computer-based national assessment (ANBK)
This study is to determine the learning style of students in Class VIII
of Kedungbondo Balen Islamic Junior High School in facing the
Computer-Based National Assessment. This research method is
qualitative by using a qualitative descriptive approach.Based on the
results of the study, it can be concluded as follows: there are three
types of learning styles that have been found in this study, namely
visual (tend to learn through what they see, namely: reading and
seeing image media), auditorial (learning through what they hear,
namely: listening to lectures, and discussions) and kinesthetic
(learning through motion and touch, namely: practice). So it can be
implied that each child has a different learning style, there is no best
and worst learning style. Each student has a different learning style in
each subject depending on the subject.