Abstract :
Astutik, Duwik. 2023. Pragmatic Analysis Of Forms Of Deviation From The Principle Of Cooperation In The Novel Argantara By Falistiyana And Their Relevance To Learning Indonesian In High School. Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Art, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Advisor (I) Dr. Masnuatul Hawa, M.Pd. (II) Moh. Fuadul Matin, S.S., M.Pd.
Key Word: Pragmatics, Deviations from the Principles of Cooperation, Novel Argantara, Indonesian Language Learning.
Communication is an important aspect that cannot be separated from humans as social beings. Good communication makes speakers follow the principle of cooperation in communicating. This principle is known as the cooperative principle popularized by Grice. Communication that follows and violates the principle of cooperation is not only found in the real world but also in novels, one of which is the novel Argantara by Falistiyana. This study aims to describe and explain the form of deviation from the principle of cooperation in the novel Argantara by Falistiyana and its relevance to learning Indonesian in high school. Qualitative descriptive method is the method used in this study. Data collection uses note-taking techniques. The data from this study is in the form of dialogue between characters in the novel Argantara by Falistiyana which deviates from the principle of cooperation. Based on data analysis, it was found that there were 181 data deviations from the principle of cooperation which included four maxims, namely the maxim of quantity (57 data), the maxim of quality (maxim of quality) of 64 data, the maxim of relevance of 35 data and maxims of manner (maxims of manner) as many as 25 data, as well as their relevance to learning Indonesian in high school, namely in class XII semester II of the 2013 curriculum, which is found in KD 3.9 Analyzing the content and language of the novel.