Abstract :
Miranti Faudia, 2023. Analysis of Language Style and Language Education Value
in Tere Liye's Novel Rasa. Thesis for the study program of Indonesian
Language and Literature Education. Faculty of Languages and Arts, IKIP
PGRI Bojonegoro, Advisor (1) Dr. Masnuatul Hawa, M.Pd., (2) Moh.
Fuadul Matin, S.S.M.Pd.
Keywords : Language Style, Educational Value, Rasa
Language style is the author's way of expressing the content of thoughts
through the language - the language that is typical in the story that can create a
certain impression. In addition, there is also an educational value which is a quality
and valuable thing for humans that is given by adults when they are still children so
that they can develop towards good maturity. One of them is the novel, which is
very useful in learning. One of the novels that is relevant in learning is a novel
written by Darwin or Tere Liye, one of which is the novel Rasa. This study aims to
(1) describe and explain the style of language found in the novel Rasa by Tere Liye.
(2) describe and explain the educational value contained in the novel Rasa by Tere
Liye. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data sources in the
form of Tere Liye's novel Rasa, published by PT. Sabak Grip Nusantara in 2022.
Data collection used as a research process, namely reading techniques and
note-taking techniques. based on these techniques the collection can be done using
a flow analysis model which has four stages, namely data collection, data reduction,
data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. the validity of the data
is obtained through increased persistence and the use of reference materials. From
the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the novel Rasa by Tere
Liye analyzes (1) sixteen types of figurative language. The style of language
produces 38 similes, 15 metaphors, 20 personifications, 1 depersonification, 2
pleonasms, 12 hyperboles, 4 ironies, 5 satires, 1 cynicism, 4 eponyms, 3
polysdentons, 14 asidentons, 1 alliteration, 1 assonance, 4 anaphora, 8 epizeukis.
The language style used in analyzing Tere Liye's novel Rasa is dominated by
parable language style and personification language style. (2) educational values in
the novel Rasa by Tere Liye found 21 values of religious education, 29 values of
moral education, 14 values of social education, and 13 values of cultural education.