Abstract :
Santoso, Prawito Agus Budi. 2023. Teaching Vocabulary through Word Search
Puzzle at the Tenth Grade Students of SMKN Ngasem Bojonegoro in
Academic Year 2022/2023. Thesis, English Education Department, Faculty of
Language and Art Education, IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro. Advisors: (I) Ayu
Fitrianingsih, M.Pd, (II) Dian Ratna Puspananda, M.Pd.
Keywords: teaching, vocabulary, word search puzzle
Language is one of the most important tools in our life. Today?s English is a
great language in the world. It has four skills, such as listening, speaking, reading
and writing. Vocabulary is the most important part of the language. Realizing the
importance of English for students emphasized at the high school level, researcher
found some problems that occur include vocabulary in class X-RPL SMKN
Ngasem Bojonegoro less, and teaching methods are monotonous. Based on the
problem, the writer implement teaching vocabulary through word search puzzle
for tenth grade students of SMKN Ngasem Bojonegoro. For the statements of the
problem above, the writer clarified the objective of this research is to describe
how is teaching vocabulary through Word Search for the tenth grade students of
SMKN Ngasem Bojonegoro in Academic Year 2022/2023 and to know how is
teaching vocabulary through Word Search effective for the tenth grade students of
SMKN Ngasem Bojonegoro in Academic Year 2022/2023.
The design of the research is descriptive qualitative. This research was held
on January, 2023 at SMKN Ngasem Bojonegoro. In this study the writer as
participant observation. The data sources of this research are the English teacher
and the students consisting of 11 women and 17 men as primary data source and
the instruments consisting interview, observation and documentation. In analysing
the data, the writer analysed through data reduction, data display and conclusion
drawing or verification.
The results of this research, the writer had made a brief information in the
form of a conclusion, among others: 1) teaching vocabulary through Word Search
for the tenth grade students of SMKN Ngasem Bojonegoro in Academic Year
2022/2023 is appropriate with the scientific approach based on the curriculum
KTSP that is used in SMKN Ngasem Bojonegoro and 2) teaching vocabulary
through Word Search for the tenth grade students of SMKN Ngasem Bojonegoro
in Academic Year 2022/2023 is effective for learning English.