Abstract :
Silvana Putri, Fajar. 2019. The Implementation of Role Play ?Be a News
Anchor?in Teaching Speaking Skill. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, IKIP
PGRI Bojonegoro, Pembimbing (1) Ima Isnaini Taufiqur Rohmah, M.Pd.,
(II) Oktha Ika Rahmawati, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: speaking skill, role play, case study
This research was aimed at implement the role-play technique in teaching
speaking skill at grade X RPL in SMKN Purwosari. It was carried out based on
the procedure that had been planned before.
The learning is done in two meetings. In each meeting students are asked
to be able to convey a topic in the news. In the first meeting, students are given
examples of news texts that must be understood first. Then students are asked to
come forward to the class to deliver the contents of the news that was given and
that was understood before. The next for the second meeting, students are asked to
find news topics that they like. For be conveyed to their friends in front of the
class. This technique has several benefits for students, namely increasing student
vocabulary, increasing students' fluency in speaking in front of others, adding
confidence when having to speak in front of others. When students can learn
English in a fun, they will feel more relaxed in learning. The Role Play techniques
can make students feel more comfortable in the learning process. The students
have begun to feel comfortable in the classroom and in the learning process, the
material presented will be easier to understand and accept.
The results shown from the application of the role play technique
performed by SMKN Purwosari, the students on learning English especially
speaking skills. They look interest in learning English is increased, evidenced by
their enthusiasm in doing the given task. When the students are asked to advance
to the front of the class, they immediately advance with confidence, and deliver
the topic of the news they have been looking for before. The student can delivery
methods, fluency, intonation are better, as well as the vocabulary they use has
increased from before.